Should We Still Sign Up For Dating Apps in 2024?

I Wish I Knew All These 3 Years Ago

Lothbrock Ameen
5 min readJun 27, 2024
Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

I woke up late again.

Now I’m on this toilet seat thinking of all my work timelines and how I’m going to sit down with the software developers in my team.

This is our project delivery week.

You don’t work with me, so you might not be interested in all the details.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. — John Woods

Software development issues in a workspace can give headaches.

Just left a message for Ayo (someone I met on Bumble) asking if she’s still down for lunch today.

But here is something I’d wanna tell you the details about.

Something that bugged my head all through the night into this morning.

It worried me at first, but when I thought it through, I smiled.

Let’s go!

My Bumble Dating Story

Mariam was happy to meet up after a few days of texting. We were old schoolmates back in 2009

The thing about me that most people don’t know is that…

I was very popular back in high school because of my grades and the intimidating numbers in subjects like Physics and Mathematics.

But there was something else about me…

You might not like this one but bear with me.

I used to date multiple women at once, even to the extent that they knew themselves and fought in their hostels.

Sounds bad? pfft!

Men do so for ladies as well, so cut it…

And don’t even give me that look!

So Mariam and I swiped right on each other’s profile on Bumble. She hadn’t changed much, but I think I did.

Fast-track to when I eventually went visiting…

I didn’t know she lived in a place that was similar to a king’s palace. One of the servants had to take me to where was.

A rich prospective girlfriend? I’ll be there no matter what…In fact, I’m already here!

I was the gold digger here…unashamedly.

So we got talking, and as usual, she didn’t stop talking

I do this thing where I drop calibrated questions that lead into other questions so I can keep you talking for as long as I want.

We spoke for 4 hours…I left there just about an hour before midnight. She had a good time, and she texted accordingly afterward.

A few days later, she was driving by my office in Victoria Island and decided to see me. We went to a coffee shop to grab coffee and just talked again.

You know those things rich people do in movies.

Guess what was in my head?

Deep down, I was already missing my ‘When are we seeing?’ and ‘Send me lunch’ babes.

They are necessary evils. Don’t ask me why.

The shenanigans with these rich ones were getting plenty and too exquisite.

But that’s the thing with babes who have their own money.

A few months ago, I remember a lady taking me out on a Friday night for nice food and drinks to impress me.

My bros, babes will run miles to please you if they like you…She was older, so it was expected. In some contexts, the older, the better.

Did I eventually date the lady? I’ll let your mind wander.

But back to Mariam

We discussed a few complicated topics, and then I realized we had similar thoughts. I didn’t like that.

It meant our walls were both up, and everything we had done was just a facade to see who would show vulnerability and desperation.

Oh dear!

I broke the mold by escalating after she asked to stop by at my place.

I kissed her on the cheek just before she left. I didn’t think it was awkward till she brought it up some days later.

What were you trying to achieve?’ She said


The delight of many.

Ah! trying to achieve?

Truly, Silver and Gold, I have none…but you see Pride…Ah!!

Toorh…in my head, I was like, ‘Alrighty, start talking. I need to hear more of this.’

‘I feel we are just getting to know each other, and we have to be friends first before all of these can start happening.’

Because of a small peck on the cheek?


Who goes on a dating app looking for a friend?

I’ve got friends already my love.

That moment brought a sharp decline in our conversation pattern. It went from a hundred to negative figures.

We stopped talking, and then after about a month, she was dating someone else.

It left me with some thoughts, for most women, many men are just in their pool. Like a soft harem where they pick who they want or need at a time.

More so, whenever a lady is giving you too many rules and regulations for you to live by concerning her, she does not like you.

Think of the ladies who lose it all when they meet their favorite celebrities during concerts.

It’s why I believe waiting for a lady to like or want you is a No-go!

You’ll end up watching her want someone else.

In my story, Sandra didn’t want to be my friend, so she acted accordingly after Mariam stopped texting.

As you sef no small, me sef no small.

Don’t be on the receiving end of a woman who doesn’t like you.

Take the hints: the delayed responses, not picking up your calls, not wanting the slightest physical touches, and not wanting to meet you physically.

Don’t linger, walk away!

There are plenty more who want you. It doesn’t have to be a battle.

After you walk away, don’t walk around in style hoping she’d notice you. Just go!

Everyone knows what they want, and everyone cannot want you. Know this and know peace.

Is it always necessary to leave?

it’s always necessary to know when a stage of one’s life has ended. If you stubbornly cling to it after the need has passed, you lose the joy and meaning of the rest. And you risk being shaken to your senses by God.

Ayo is down for lunch today. Hope she behaves herself well enough to earn my commitment.

We’ll know later.

In all, I think people should start ditching dating apps in 2024.

I can’t be interviewing 40 prospects (Ladies who swiped right) over a romantic decision. What am I? A bank looking for employees?

Thank you for reading.

