Sit On My Seat

Maybe Hell is Too Good for Me, the Devil Wouldn’t Let Me In

Lothbrock Ameen
2 min readJun 12, 2024
Photo by Sid Leigh on Unsplash

And here goes the highlight of my last few days

The euphoria of loveliness and joy

To know to be loved and to love

To know love and to show it off

In all of its vulnerability, and anecdotes

I’m sure the echoes I hear are great sounds

The old ones we tell to ourselves with so much delight in our faces

I’m sure we will cover great grounds

To tell the world of our story in different phases

Perhaps, also in different places

These places we have been

Not recounting the earlier days of this student-master train

Now it’s a love train, and we are never getting off

There were once echoes of hard time and now the sounds have ceased in my ears

They have dropped off the bus of my heart

One after the other, as simple as that.

The fondness will be contained, but not now

The aisle of my affection is blocked by nothing that can be named, a noun

The life of a man deserves order

It deserves a sense of priority

With less to say, and much to do

Words are good, but not always true

Hence, deeds are better

Better for all it’s worth. Better, because it works

So while I stand here. Dignified by your applause

I’ll honor the one I’ve come to love and cherish. The woman in and of my dream. The calm in the storm and of course, the storm itself.

I’ll let her walk this aisle of mine — the aisle of affection.

I’ll let her pirouette the free way and then create her own blocks

I’ll let her sit on my seat

For with her, I’m better and

With me, she is the best.

